Attorney General: 2nd assault: 23-01-2008

Petros Clerides Attorney General of Cyprus 2005-2013

Your ref.: Our ref.: O.9-146/2007
Date: 23 January 2008

The Honourable Attorney General
Attorney General’s Office

By fax and by hand”

Dear Attorney General,

Re: ASSAULT OF CORNELIUS DESMOND O’DWYER – G.E. 93/1984/123 + G.E. 9/52/427

I hereby refer to the above matter and, further to our previous correspondence, our client has once again been assaulted by Messrs. Karayiannas.

The matter has taken on very serious dimensions, and is having a snowball effect due the reactions of various organised groups, both in Cyprus as well as abroad, in such a manner that it is having a negative effect on Cyprus’ good name.

I wish to remind you that the assault of my client is connected to the purchase of a property which he himself made from Messrs. Karayiannas, with the aim of him and his family settling on our island.

Furthermore, charges have been brought before you with regard to the sale of the above property by Messrs. Karayiannas to a third party, in breach of Article 303 (A) of the Penal Code, according to which, when someone negotiates the sale of a property that belongs to another person, this constitutes a crime and it is also punishable by up to 7 years’ imprisonment. According to our file, this case is being dealt with by Mrs Paulina Evthyvoulou from your office.

To his surprise, on 21/1/2008, my client received a telephone call on his mobile from Police Officer Thanasis, from the Paralimni C.I.D., who informed him that there is no pending criminal case against Messrs. Karayiannas with regard to this matter. The aforesaid Police Officer mentioned to my client that he had been instructed to call and notify him by his Superior Officer, Mr Kapnoullas.

I believe that this matter as a whole is very serious and all necessary drastic measures should be taken against all those who have committed crimes in the relation to the purchase of the aforesaid property and the assault on the aforesaid Buyer (my client) so that no false impressions are given abroad, particularly in England, a market upon which we rely both for our tourism as well as for the sale of property.

I think that it is important for us to arrange a meeting together immediately so that I can explain to you the seriousness of the matter in more detail and to what extent there have been reactions abroad. I am willing to provide any assistance so that this matter may be regarded as an isolated incident so that faith will be restored in our island with regard to the proper administration of justice and the fact that it is safe for someone to buy a property in Cyprus.

Yours faithfully,

Yiannos G. Georgiades
Advocate & Legal Consultant


Minister of Trade / Industry & Tourism
Mr Antonis Michaelides

Minister of Internal Affairs
Mr Christos Patsalides

Minister of Justice & Public Order
Mr Sophocles Sophocleous